Friday, July 25, 2008

My Group

Setelah hampir 7 bulan berada di Biomedical Research Centre ni, rasa dah semakin serasi dengan group members. Dia orang ni sebenarnya ok dan berperangai berbeza-beza. One thing about research group here is they are really loyal and close to the group members. Oleh kerana it is a sort of 'high level' group of people (PhD onward), one must know how to get the most of the others group members i.e, never asked 'stupid question' and be sincere and equally hard work.
at the back: Fred (Swedes), Pai (Thais)
in front: Dr Lindsey (Scots), Dr Helen (English), Anne (German), Khamsah (Malaysian), Maggie (Scots)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lab meeting

Hari ni, selasa macam biasa lab meeting pukul 9.30 pagi. Helen yang present hari ni. It's not about Helen's presentation that interest me (which I should). Since bangun awal sbab nak kena keluar awal, by the time meeting, mata rasa mengantuk pulak. Ditambah pulak hasrat yang tinggi menggunung untuk kurangkan caffeine, so tak bancuh la kopi macam biasa. Yang menarik meeting kali ni adalah apabila Paul (supervisor) mention pasal paper yang dia reviewed dan most probably he rejected. He said that he doesn't trust the results from that paper and most probably the are some sort of making up/overlay other word lying about results. At first he doesn't realised but can sensed something is not right about the whole thing...hypothesis is good, but result is to good. More interesting is that the author herself is trying to pursue him to colaborate together for about 10 years...yes 10 years and he keep saying he's busy with some other projects (he can get huge amount of fund by collaborating, but he's not short of fun anyway). The point is that it is not he's busy with other projects but he's not comfortable working with people who produce results he can't trust.

Moral of the story, be sincere in research....

Later that day, I went to his office (nothing to do with earlier disscusion) to past over my progress report which I should be submitted sometimes this month. He's kind of busy with Ana's stuff. After hand over the form, I still thinking about research thing (not so busy today, so have more time browsing the net). I visited 'my faculty' website and began clicking every staff links. My name obviously not there (so sad..) yet and I honestly do not know where do I belong. It doesn't seem to fit any department they have, or any course they offered, or possible collaborator/s.

I think just don't bother...get a PhD first (..but need to have a plan...)